Tuesday, April 14, 2009

13-04-2009 BALD

Annoucement :
We have Mist be your reporter for this post.
In our Uni, we have discovered our handsome boy- Yit Seong
He is wearing his Nike cap today coz he getting his botak hair cut again...
What! AGAIN!

Let's go interview him..(Mist ran to him)
Mist: " Yit Seong, what do you cut bald again?"

YS: " I just love bald very much. My hair is getting too long and it disturb me!"

Mist: " Wao.. you are indeed full of courageous...!"
(Mist feel grateful as well.Coz he no need to steal my hair band to tie his hair up!)

Mist: " So any comment you heard from your friends?"

YS:" Yes, of course. They say me look like gangster.hohoho"

Mist (Whispered in heart)
: " Yeah.. Agree.. Like those Gangster selling Pirated VCD!"

Now let's see the before and after picture.

To Yit Seong: You look more handsome with hair instead...

Here's the process of HAIR CUTTING..
Make sure you get ready with the funky site of it..
Okay. 1st Post

2nd Post: This look like Ah Wong...huh..

3rd Post: OMG..this totally is OUT OF MY IMAGINATION
Good one~!wahahaha
4th Post: The ROCK one.. YEAH... SHOUT!! YELL...
Here's my end of report today. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

哈哈。。 二哥, 还是有头发比较帅。。 但, 你去哪里剪, 我也要。。。 yh518