Thursday, July 23, 2009

24/07/2009 You Make Me Touched

Previous day I just complained regarding the transport problem with my B.
I am tired of driving life whereby I always need to go find him.
Instead as a bf he should come and find me.
I have been nagging and scolding him for that.

Without promise me any that he will come.
He sms me: “ B ah, I come to find you eat ice , want or not?”.
As usual. I, without reply any. Cause I know he don’t have transport.
Then, at 11.30 p.m., he show up with his friend’s motor.

I am so touched when I see him.

(I have the feeling of hugging him tightly. ( ^3^ )
Then I asked : “ How long for you to ride your motorbike from xxx to here?”
He replied:
Roughly 45 Minutes~”

Wuuu.. B ah…I am so glad to have you as my boy friend.
I understand very well how tired with the travel part
especially 45 minutes on motorbike to and fro.

Sometimes, I just need somebody to listen to my tiredness.
And You are the only one will really take every of my words seriously
I Love You B and Thank You Very Much.